Luxembourg Winter Perspectives Series: External (Re)Financing in M&A deals (March 2022)
In this webinar, our financial regulation experts provided insights into selected topics of External (Re)Financing in M&A deals in Luxembourg by the law of 24 March 2022.
Luxembourg Winter Perspectives Series: ATAD 3 - EU proposal Directive on transparency standards for the use of shell entities in Europe: What can we expect for 2024? (February 2022)
On 22 December 2021, the European Commission released its proposal for a Council Directive laying down rules to prevent the misuse of shell entities for tax purposes and amending the "Unshell Directive" or commonly named ATAD 3. Our Tax experts discussed and explained how ATAD 3 may impact our industry, notably in terms of substance, and what to expect in Luxembourg for 2024.
Luxembourg Winter Perspective Series: Climate change litigation and greenwashing – Luxembourg state of play and outlook (January 2022)
Climate change-related litigation is on the rise – prominent cases have been brought in The Netherlands, in Germany, in the U.S. and in Australia. Cases brought against governments and/or public authorities are paving the way for claims against private companies and businesses. In parallel, the regulatory and public eye is increasingly on the look-out for 'green-washing', i.e. instances of overstatement of companies' or businesses' eco-friendliness, sustainability or carbon-neutrality. We explained what these cases entail, what to expect in Luxembourg in the near future, and what companies' management and supervisory bodies should be mindful of.
Luxembourg Perspectives Series: The CRD V implementation in Luxembourg (November 2021)
In this webinar, our financial regulation experts provided insights into selected topics of the transposition of CRD V in Luxembourg by the law of 20 May 2021. They reported on the new financial holding companies approval regime and the intermediate parent undertaking (IPU) requirement introduced for third-country groups present in the EU and Luxembourg, and explore related structuring options. They in addition briefly discussed capital requirements and remuneration policy-related aspects of the changes brought by CRD V and highlight what these mean for Luxembourg credit institutions.
Luxembourg Autumn Perspectives Series: New trends in Luxembourg cash repatriation (November 2021)
What do you need to consider when structuring your investment at the holding level in Luxembourg? Focusing on the equity aspects of the structuring, our corporate and tax specialists shared the key trends they observe in the Luxembourg market.
Luxembourg Perspectives Series: Data transfers and disclosures under the GDPR and beyond: what investment funds must look out for? (September 2021)
In this webinar, our experts will explore how investment funds may handle the transfer and disclosure of data at their disposal to others, be group entities, service providers, or other investors, with a particular focus on recent developments under the GDPR, and its application in Luxembourg and the fund industry