Third Annual Bancassurance Seminar - Distribution, New Technologies - prospects and challenges in Poland (September 2017)
This workshop, held in cooperation with Willis Towers Watson, considered the new challenges facing the financial market in Poland following the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It explored how cyber insurance can mitigate the risk of a cyber attack and discussed issues raised on the one hand by the emergence of InsurTech solutions and on the other hand by the implementation of the IDD.
The EU Securities Financing Transactions Regulation – or SFTR (18 February 2016)
This seminar outlined the key requirements of the SFTR and discussed some of the issues for the market as it prepares for implementation.
Second Annual Bancassurance Workshop (28 January 2016)
The second annual bancassurance workshop discussed the most recent important developments in the Polish and EU regulatory environment for banks, insurers and financial institutions.
Bancassurance Seminar (March 2015)
This seminar discussed the key regulatory implications of both Recommendation U and the Guidelines on Insurance Distribution, published by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (Komisja Nadzoru inansowego) for banks and insurance companies.
What’s new in MiFID II – an overview for investment firms (January 2015)
This seminar provided an overview of the impact of MiFID2 and MiFIR on some key areas of interest to investment firms such as transparency in non-equity markets, conduct of business rules and transaction reporting.
EMIR for the advanced - Seminar II (May 2013)
The seminar considered the following: EMIR implementation timeline; issues regarding financial instruments; impact on documentation and issues for clearing members.
EMIR - Seminar I (April 2013)
The seminar introduced EMIR, addressing the following questions: what is EMIR? Why was EMIR adopted? Which institutions does it concern? What obligations does it create for financial institutions and for non-financial institutions which enter into derivatives transactions?
Fourth annual Warsaw banking and insurance workshop: in the loom of Brexit (March 2019)
This workshop, part of the Warsaw Perspectives regulatory seminars series, considered the future of the Polish financial markets in the loom of Brexit. It analysed the regulatory consequences of Brexit for regulated entities from the British perspective and the potential consequences and risks of Brexit for these entities from the Polish perspective.