Inside this Topic Guide
Topic overview
This Topic Guide outlines what methods of execution are appropriate in respect of particular documents, including deeds. Our simple flowchart is the starting point in identifying the correct method of execution. You are also likely to need to refer to Key concepts explained that elaborates on the issues identified in the signing methods.
As a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic electronic signatures and esigning platforms are now commonly used. The English position in relation to esignatures was discussed in the Law Commission's report Electronic execution of documents in September 2019 and this included a Statement of Law. In Electronic signatures under Key concepts explained and our briefing The Law Commission's Report on electronic signatures: paving the way for digitisation? we consider esignatures in general terms. However, if you wish to discuss execution using electronic signatures or esigning platforms in more detail please speak to one of the named Clifford Chance contacts.
Clifford Chance contacts
Avril Forbes (London)
Kate Gibbons (London)
Simon James (London)
Lindsay Mann (London)
Juliet McKean (London)
Jessica Walker (London)
The starting point – our signing methods flowchart
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The signing methods described
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Key concepts explained
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