The EU Pilot Regime – unlocking the Digital Capital Markets (October 2022)
Innovation is an essential component of the financial markets. In recent years, one of the main focuses of innovation has been the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT), which is a revolutionary way of storing data. From 23 March 2023, for an initial three-year period, operators of DLT Market infrastructures will be given the opportunity to experiment with the use of DLT in issuance and post-trade processes under the EU Pilot Regime, free from certain regulatory constraints.
In this podcast episode, Alexander Tollast discusses questions from our latest Client Briefing on the EU Pilot Regime together with Elise Soucie (Associate Director, AFME), Laurence Arnold (Head of Innovation Management and Strategic Initiatives, AXA Investment Managers) and Stéphane Blemus (Secretary General, Société Générale – FORGE; Post-doctoral Researcher, Copenhagen University).