
Exposures to cryptoassets– new prudential rules for banks from 2025 (December 2022)


Following two previous consultations over the past 18 months, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has published its finalised prudential standard on banks' cryptoasset exposures (. The new prudential standard (the Cryptoassets Standard) applies to banks' exposures to digital assets, including tokenized traditional assets, stablecoins, and unbacked cryptocurrencies. The Cryptoasset Standard sets the prudential framework for such exposures, by imposing capital charges depending on the type of asset and activity. The finalised framework has more flexibility than the version consulted on in June 2022, which had been criticised by the industry for its potential to render banks' crypto holdings commercially unviable.. We look at what the final proposals say and the impact for market participants.


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